Invasive Species Control

Invasive Species Control Services

Invasive plants are species of plants that are non-native to a specific area or ecosystem. Invasive plants tend to grow very aggressively and their root systems often grow so densely that they smother the root systems of surrounding vegetation. When this occurs it can be very detrimental to the existing plants as the invasive species monopolize the host plant’s access to sunlight, nutrients and water.

In Nantucket, the three most problematic invasive species are Japanese knotwood, bittersweet, and poison ivy.

Everyone knows about the dangers of poison ivy but the other two are just as problematic.

Bittersweet is an extremely aggressive vine that climbs on other vegetation and drains it’s host’s resources. The added weight of bittersweet vines also makes trees and other plants more vulnerable to storm damage.

Japanese knotweed is also extremely invasive and if it gets into your lawn it means constant mowing, pulling, and digging. If that doesn’t work, you may have to resort to herbicides to control the plants.

Nantucket Green Tree offers a variety of solutions to combat these invasive plants on your property. 

If you are dealing with invasive species problems, give us a call for a free quote and we will help you get them removed, or better yet offer solutions to help keep them out in the first place.

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