Interior and Exterior Rodent Control

Interior and Exterior Rodent Control Services

As many island residents are well aware, rodents have been a problem on Nantucket for decades. Rodents can cause tremendous property damage to homes and businesses and most species pose health dangers to humans.

Nantucket Green Tree offers both interior and exterior rodent solutions to help you reduce all of your Nantucket rodent control issues for the following pests :

• Rats
• Mice
• Vole
• Squirrels
• Chipmunks


Rodent Pest Control Removal Process

   Initial Consultation

The first step is for a pest control specialist to conduct a free initial consultation and have a discussion with you about what kind of rodent problems you think you are having. Have you noticed droppings? Have you noticed holes in walls or heard the sounds of gnawing as the rodents chew on wood or other materials? Our Nantucket Green Tree specialists will listen to you and set up an appointment to come to your home and inspect the areas of your property where you have seen or heard signs of rodents.

   Professional Rodent Inspection

We then come out and inspect the places where you have seen signs of rodents. Our specialists are well trained in knowing the difference between the rodent droppings and we will use our knowledge and training to find the places where the rodents are hiding or nesting. We will do whatever it takes to undercover the problem even if that means crawling under a house or into a tight space in the attic.

   Rodent Infestation Removal

Once we identify where the rodents are located we will determine the best ways to provide treatment and discuss with you the variety of rodent removal methods we employ. We have both indoor and outdoor traps and bait stations to capture or eliminate mice and rats and other pesky rodents.

   Rodent Prevention Solutions

Once we have removed the rodent infestation, we don’t just leave it at that. We know rodents are clever and can find sneaky ways to get back inside your home so we will offer you advice on how to  best prevent them from returning. Typical suggestions are to seal up any holes that allow acccess, trim up vegetation, seal the roof and to clean up the surrounding property.

Contact Us

If you are looking for affordable top quality Tree Services in Nantucket, MA, your search ends here.