All Natural Mosquito and Tick Control

All Natural Mosquito and Tick Control Services

About the only downside to living on our beautiful island is the high prevalence of mosquitos and ticks. Between Lyme’s disease (Nantucket has one of the highest incident rates in the country), babesiosis, anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis we have plenty to be watchful for, never mind the terrifying mosquito borne illnesses like West Nile virus, Triple E and Zika!

Recent studies have shown that invasive shrubs, particularly Japanese knotwood, shrub honeysuckle, and winged euonymous, host a higher density of ticks. These shrubs, which are very common in Nantucket, are plants that hold their leaves longer into the winter and have a higher humidity in their understory. This provides a perfect habitat for ticks and the small mammals that they feed on. We all hate ticks. So now you have a perfectly valid reason for hating invasive shrubs as well.

At Nantucket Green Tree, we provide pest control solutions for all of the above. Insect control is a very important part of our business as we place high emphasis on protecting you and your family from mosquito and tick-borne diseases.

We offer organic, all natural, non-toxic tick and mosquito solutions. Using non-toxic pesticides is the safest and most environmentally friendly way of mosquito and tick prevention.

If you want to worry less and enjoy your landscape more, contact Nantucket Green Tree today to discuss our all natural mosquito and tick control services.




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